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Team Delta Force
Date of creation:  27 June 2005
Number of players in team:  14
Points:  6,994.15
Number of games:  390
Total wins:  87
Team hymn:
Team web site:
External team forum:  Нет

Medal of the 3-rd rank Champion Medal of the 3-rd rank #5-0135
Awarding date: 2/23/2014
феерично занесли там какой-то чемп
Medal of the 2-nd rank For the Love of Life Medal of the 2-nd rank #7-0117
For the Love of Life
Awarding date: 4/28/2013
За победу в игре "Западный Рубеж" IV Международная игра в Беларуси"
Gold Medal of the 1-st rank Green Star Gold Medal of the 1-st rank #4-0084
Green Star
Awarding date: 5/29/2012
За победу в III-й международной всебелорусской игре "Оптимистическая трагедия или WorldENd"
Medal of the 3-rd rank Champion Medal of the 3-rd rank #5-0035
Awarding date: 1/17/2011
За победу в сезоне Точек "Осенний Марафон 2009" на
5/3/2024 7:09:53 AM
(UTC +3)
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